Geek+ Launches Unmanned Disinfection Robots for Warehouses
26th May 2020

AMR manufacturer Geek+ has launched two disinfection robots to customers worldwide. As the world reels from an unprecedented health crisis, robotics can play a key role in ensuring safe and healthy work and living environments, it says. ‘Lavender’ is armed with smart UV rays while ‘Jasmin’ uses liquid agents to execute swift and automated sterilisation. The two robots operate entirely unmanned with automatic obstacle avoidance and are designed to work 24/7 in all types of spaces, from warehouses to offices, schools, stores, transportation stations, and hospitals.
Yong Zheng, founder & CEO of Geek+ commented: “As the world slowly re-opens, AMRs can play a key role in safeguarding workers and the public and guaranteeing business continuity. Our two disinfection robots are designed to operate as public health guardians and fully support workers and companies in this global crisis.”
The company says that Lavender’s UV light effectively kills 99.99% of germs and Jasmin’s liquid spray reaches a kill rate of 99.99% of germs depending on concentration and type of liquid agent. Both robots can secure regular and systematic around the clock unmanned operations, thorough disinfection through comprehensive scanning, and safe operations using multi-sensor detection of objects. The robots use SLAM navigation to operate in complex environments and the system supports elevator integration.
Separately, Geek+ is taking part in a webinar tomorrow, Wednesday May 27th, 14:00 GMT on the theme of “Collaborating Over Unprecedented Peaks”. Register here.
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