Panther Silent from Logitrans A/S has got a new look… black, elegant and even more unique!

12th March 2015

Logistics BusinessPanther Silent from Logitrans A/S has got a new look… black, elegant and even more unique!

In future, when the silent pallet truck, Panther Silent, from Logitrans transports goods in
supermarkets and DIY stores, it will be even more recognisable. The pallet truck will be black in future – and thereby even more unique!

A shop owner always focuses on the comfort and well-being of the customers. Movement of pallets and stock should not cause any inconvenience to the customers! The pallet truck from Logitrans – Panther Silent – offers peaceful shopping, tested to below 60 dBA…

Panther Silent has specially designed rubber wheels. The goods are moved smoothly and silently around customers and racking. At the same time the twin fork wheels make it very easy to manoeuvre the pallet truck. It is very compact making it ideal for even the most confined areas.

The special wheels of Panther Silent are non-marking and gentle to the floor and flagstone layers in the shops. Costs of repairing floor are minimised when using the Panther Silent. The specially designed wheels also make outdoor operations possible – without problems. Metallic chips, small stones and snow do not stick to the wheels, and the wheels are not blocked!

– We have tested Panther Silent in Norway for a long period. The customers are very enthusiastic, as they are not being disturbed by goods being moved around in the shops. Also the shop owners have been very satisfied. They feel the satisfaction of their customers and the saved maintenance costs, says Gitte Kirkegaard Berg, Sales Director at Logitrans.