
Rail Freight Connection Rail Freight Connection

New Rail Freight Connection between Poland and Spain

Geodis, a leading intermodal operator, has expanded its rail freight services with another fixed… Read more »

Shift to Rail Shift to Rail

Cargo Owners Encouraged to Shift to Rail

DP World has launched a new programme in the UK to help cargo owners… Read more »

Rijeka-Budapest Open Rail Rijeka-Budapest Open Rail

First Rijeka-Budapest Open Rail Service

A new regular common user open rail train service has been launched by Rail… Read more »

Logistics BusinessRail Logistics Moves Ahead Logistics BusinessRail Logistics Moves Ahead

Rail Logistics Moves Ahead

Rail-Flow, the leading platform provider for rail freight and intermodal transport, has attracted new… Read more »

Logistics BusinessNew Intermodal Connection Between Duisburg and Padua Logistics BusinessNew Intermodal Connection Between Duisburg and Padua

New Intermodal Connection Between Duisburg and Padua

TX Logistik AG is expanding its intermodal network with a new connection between Duisburg… Read more »

Logistics BusinessFinancial Results Confirm Logistics Strategy Logistics BusinessFinancial Results Confirm Logistics Strategy

Financial Results Confirm Logistics Strategy

Munich-based intermodal and shortsea logistics provider Robert Kukla closes its 2022 financial year with… Read more »

Logistics BusinessIntermodal Europe is back – and it’s live! Logistics BusinessIntermodal Europe is back – and it’s live!

Intermodal Europe is back – and it’s live!

Visitor registration is open for Intermodal Europe 2022, the leading container shipping and intermodal… Read more »

MSC and GBRf sign new five-year rail deal MSC and GBRf sign new five-year rail deal

MSC and GBRf sign new five-year rail deal

Mediterranean Shipping Company (UK) Ltd. (MSC) and GB Railfreight (GBRf) have announced a new… Read more »

Intermodal Terminal Pushes Boundaries

KTL Kombi-Terminal Ludwigshafen GmbH relies on optimization solutions from Inform as part of its… Read more »