
Rail Freight Connection Rail Freight Connection

New Rail Freight Connection between Poland and Spain

Geodis, a leading intermodal operator, has expanded its rail freight services with another fixed… Read more »

Key Geodis Site Key Geodis Site

Dematic Delivers AutoStore to Key Geodis Site

GEODIS has recently commissioned an AutoStore system provided and installed by Dematic at a… Read more »

Vehicle Emissions Vehicle Emissions

Pathway for Reducing Vehicle Emissions

Geodis has pledged to reduce its scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions… Read more »

Logistics BusinessRobotic Fulfilment Provider Doubles Picks in 11 Months Logistics BusinessRobotic Fulfilment Provider Doubles Picks in 11 Months

Robotic Fulfilment Provider Doubles Picks in 11 Months

Locus Robotics, a global leader in autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) for warehouse automation, has… Read more »

Logistics BusinessRoad Network from Singapore to China Logistics BusinessRoad Network from Singapore to China

Road Network from Singapore to China

Equipped with industry-leading Internet of Things (IoT) security features and infrastructure, the Geodis Road… Read more »

Logistics BusinessAutomation Technology the Key in Ecommerce Logistics BusinessAutomation Technology the Key in Ecommerce

Automation Technology the Key in Ecommerce

Geodis VP of Engineering, Antoine Pretin, says that technology is rapidly becoming a key… Read more »

Logistics BusinessGeodis Opens New UK eLogistics Site Logistics BusinessGeodis Opens New UK eLogistics Site

Geodis Opens New UK eLogistics Site

GEODIS announces the opening of a new eLogistics platform in the UK. GEODIS eLogistics,… Read more »

New Cross-dock Facility for Conforama Poland

A French home furnishings retailer is benefitting from a new facility for its cross-dock… Read more »