IFOY awards “Best in Intralogistics” certificates
23rd March 2022

At the end of the IFOY TEST DAYS (March 18 to 23) on the grounds of Messe Dortmund, the award organisation again presented the “Best in Intralogistics” certificates of the year 2022.
Representatives of a total of 12 companies got the certificates in Hall 3. Cargotec Engineering, Jungheinrich, Locus Robotics, Magment, NAiSE, Noyes Technologies, robominds, SICK, SSI SCHÄFER, STILL, stow robotics and SYNAOS are allowed to present the coveted seal. This year, the certificates were presented by Steffen Bersch, the new Chairman of the Board of the VDMA Materials Handling and Intralogistics Association.
The well-known “Best in Intralogistics” seal was introduced four years ago and is intended to document visibly to the outside world the high degree of innovation of the devices and solutions nominated for an IFOY AWARD that have successfully passed the IFOY test.
“Once again in 2022, only innovations with this certificate have successfully passed the three-part IFOY audit with our hard, independent intralogistics test,” emphasises Executive Jury Chairwoman Anita Würmser.
The IFOY Audit 2022, which was conducted for the second time this year on the premises of the IFOY partner Messe Dortmund, lasts a total of six days. It includes various test series, whose results support the total of 25 jury members – renowned logistics trade journalists from all over the world – in their decision on the winners. In the IFOY Award, the nominees in a category are never compared with each other, but always with currently comparable products and solutions on the market. This ensures that the performance values and the innovation gap can be assessed objectively.
The first part of the IFOY audit is the scientific IFOY Innovation Check, which is carried out by the Dortmund Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics (IML), the Chair of Technical Logistics at the University of Dresden, the Chair of Materials Handling Material Flow Logistics at the Technical University of Munich and the Stuttgart Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA. The experts give assessments of the finalists in terms of market relevance, customer benefits, type of execution, and degree of innovation. In addition, the scientists verify the innovations stated by the manufacturers in the test hall and evaluate in an extensive technology comparison whether they are innovative further developments, new compositions or genuine innovations.
The second part of the IFOY audit is the practice-oriented IFOY test by Dutch trade journalist Theo Egberts. He measures the hard facts and compares them with the relevant competitor units. The appliances undergo individually tailored driving or functional tests, including the IFOY test protocol, which comprises around 80 criteria and determines, among other things, the appliances’ economy and energy efficiency, sustainability, safety and ergonomics. To avoid falsification of the test results by external influences such as lighting, weather conditions or aisle widths, the on-site test hall creates identical environmental conditions for all candidates.
The third part of the audit is the assessment of the finalists by the jurors and their approved advisors. The jury members form an opinion from the IFOY Innovation Check, the IFOY test results and their own test experiences and then vote.
Who will be the winner in 2022 will remain a well-kept secret for a few weeks – even for the manufacturers. It will only be revealed during the festive IFOY AWARD ceremony, which will take place on June 30, 2022, in Munich.