FTA Consultancy provides Health & Safety solutions to Stena
27th July 2016

Recommendations from the FTA Consultancy Service have provided essential port safety information to Stena Line a major operator of freight and passenger vessels.
Stena currently operates 22 routes in Northern Europe from several UK port and terminal facilities including Holyhead, Fishguard and Loch Ryan; it must organise its ports and operations in such a way that they are both efficient and safe.
FTA audits are based on HSE standards and recommendations. With its dedicated and knowledgeable staff who understand road transport legislation in theory and practice, the Associations Consultancy Service provides clear, practical and deliverable recommendations.
Karen Packham FTA General Manager of Consultancy said: Working with Stena Line is a perfect example of what FTA does best supporting our members to deliver safe, sustainable and efficient logistics.
We have over 30 consultants, who all had previous careers in logistics. That ensures three things the first is a huge breadth and depth of experience. The second is we are individuals with very specialised expertise and thirdly, some of our consultants have retired from running fleets or companies, but instead of losing their decades of experience, through FTA they remain a valuable resource for the entire industry.
The FTA audits collate large amounts of information, including customer passenger and freight data, maps, plans footage, interviews and observations. However, Stena Line ports safety and environmental superintendent Kevin Riley says this is not what makes the Associations service so powerful: Once FTA has completed its reports, it hosts a workshop for all the managers and staff responsible for procurement, maintenance and operations which is something no other consultant has ever offered.
FTA consultants are available to help companies of all sizes with transport and logisitics-related matters, including:
- Benchmarking
- Auditing
- Engineering investigation
- Supply chain creation or optimisation
- Legal compliance
- Health & safety
- Cost control
- Acquisitions and mergers
More information about the FTA Consultancy Service and how it is supporting the freight and logistics industry is available on the website: www.fta.co.uk/services/consultancy