New Slotting and Mapping Software Tool From Alvey

9th January 2017

Logistics BusinessNew Slotting and Mapping Software Tool From Alvey

In the distribution world, optimisation is key. Getting products in and out with a minimum of errors and a minimum of handling, transport, walking – in short, with a minimum of people, is key.

Warehouses are optimised, in most cases, at initial installation. However, this optimisation may “evaporate” for a number of reasons. First, there often is a strong seasonal variation. Secondly, businesses evolve. New products come in, others slowly fade out. Customers need change. Volumes, generally, are growing.

In order to help its customers manage this challenge, Alvey has introduced its “slotting and mapping” tool. The company says the tool allows the customer to analyse and optimise its warehouse continuously.

Slotting and mapping are based on the expected book of orders to be implemented in a certain time interval.


Slotting first works on mutually independent references. The number of calls, and thus the daily dispatched volume, is determined according to the reference volumes in litres and frequency of their occurrence in the order book.


Once slotting is performed, mapping can start. It is not based on individually taken references, but on the occurrence frequency of the same units of two or more references in individual orders. Based on these units of references and the division of individual types of carriers in the “stations” of picking, it aims for grouping the “friendly” references into one station. This will make it possible to minimise the number of stops in the station of cartons or crates for the order preparation.

Find more information on Alvey’s slotting and mapping software tool for warehouses here.